速報APP / 娛樂 / Big Teeth

Big Teeth


檔案大小:47.9 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Big Teeth(圖1)-速報App

Gripped by the Great Freeze of 1947, with wolf-whistling spivs and other predatory characters skulking round every corner, London could be a dangerous place for an unwary girl. In this immersive theatre installation, audiences are invited to step back in time into the bedroom of young waitress Ruby Hunter, where they listen to an apparently familiar tale unfold. But there is always more than one side to every story. What really happened? How well do we ever know the people we get into bed with?

Big Teeth(圖2)-速報App

Big Teeth is part of a series of live, curated experience productions put on by Red Hood Productions across the UK in 2018. Check redhoodproductions.co.uk to find the time and location of the event nearest you, or find a partner and experience Big Teeth together by each listening to one of the two included stories while each wearing headphones. You listen to Ruby's story while your partner listen's to Stephen's, and follow the instructions as they unfold!
